May 1, 2011

Home, Alone

Freddie W returns with another video parodying the classic home invasion scene from Home Alone at his own office. One of the funniest parts of the video involve Freddie saying 'There's nothing to steal here" with at least 10-20 thousand dollars of computer equipment and iMacs behind him.  Oops.


  1. This guy did a video with that faggot, Ray William Johnson, he's dead to me.

  2. At the same time, every single Youtube 'star' ends up doing a stupid video featuring Ray William whatever the hell his deal is. DO YOU GUYS LIKE APPPLES? WELL YOU DON'T LIKE IT LIKE THIS GUY: *cut to uncredited video

    Freddie's still good in my book.

  3. Seconded on Ray William sucking ass. Glad you guys never link to that tool.
