Jun 24, 2011

He Draws Nintendo

A couple weeks ago I had seen this piece floating around the internet and fell in love with the artist's awesome style. Today, I come back with presents for you, created by artist Zac Gorman, for his tumblr I Draw Nintendo (which is awesome and I recommend you all follow). Zac's style has a neat retro-90's-vibe (are the 90's considered retro yet? Good god I hope not, but I'll leave that there just in case) while also mixing in animated cells to get your artsy private parts all tingly.

Seriously though, I never thought about using chickens this way. They're possibly the most powerful beings in Hyrulean existence, able to withstand EVERYTHING, only to turn around and peck the ever living sh** out of you. F*** those guys.

Hit the jump to see a large collection of Zac Gorman's comic work and then jump on over to his Tumblr to check out even more!.

Where have I heard that before?

Someone please start a PK Waffle House

Seems legit

I'm pretty sure I lost to him at least once in my childhood
Lucky for us, Zelda boobs have never been easier to obtain thanks to the internet

Moving to a Death Mountain was a bad idea 

F*** everything about the Water Temple

You guessed it, I want this in my home
Yeah, Samus is 100% badass

I felt this was a fantastic strip to end with