Jun 27, 2013

Bhead's Amazing Custom "Biogeneticist Dr. Paul" Toy

Korean concept artist and toy kitbasher extraordinaire Bhead (Jung Yeon Gyun) just unveiled his latest entry to his ongoing Day After WWIII series, featuring a Biogeneticist called 'Dr. Paul' and his equally kitted out monkey sidekick. His backstory for Dr. Paul is that he was a scientist being held against his will in Imperial research labs, working on experiments in genetic engineering and chemical weapons before the apocalyptic WWIII made him a free man once more.

Clad in a retro futuristic containment suit with some mild Fallout vibes, I just love the contrast in materials and attention to detailing that Jung captured with this prototype, down to his sidekick having specially crafted boots for his outfit. If you're unfamiliar with Bhead's work, I'd highly recommend checking out our post on some of his other amazing creations for the series, which have only been released in his home country as limited edition kits. Check out additional eye candy shots of his latest creation right after the break. Here's to hoping that he'll someday make that transition to selling his beauties on an international market.

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