Apr 29, 2013

15 Famous Movie Portraits By Mike Mitchell


Mondo has always been amazing at two things, finding incredibly talented illustrative artists and selling out of merchandise at lightning speeds. While I've never been able to get my hands on some of Mondo's limited edition posters, they've always been great at providing them online for me stare at longingly.

Mondo's newest series comes from artist Mike Mitchell, spanning over 30 films with a fantastic portrait from each. The gallery is currently being shown at the Mondo Gallery in Austin, Texas; so if you're in the area, I'm jealous. After the break I've provided 15 of the 30-ish portraits that can be seen at the Mondo Gallery where you can spend time wishing you had the money to buy each and everyone.
Evil Dead

Young Frankenstein




Judge Dredd

Django Unchained

Raising Arizona


Star Wars

The Thing

Old Boy


Mars Attacks!

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