Jun 11, 2012

E3 2012 Back To The Future Award: 007 LEGENDS

People have said that the game industry at times is guilty of recycling the same gameplay and slapping on a new coat of paint on various titles, but sitting in on a presentation of 007 Legends absolutely floored us. Considering that we had a chance to check a presentation for this title out after Call Of Duty : Black Ops 2, a prime example of a modern FPS was potentially a mistake on Activision's part.

What absolutely blew our mind about this title was the lack of any form of ambition to innovate, with a truly bored sounding developer nonchalantly spouting off antiquated features which would have been impressive about a decade or two back or so. Imagine 1997's Goldeneye with an early next gen engine, and you kind of get an idea about how monstrously outdated the gameplay in this lazy looking film tie in for the upcoming 'Skyfall' Bond flick is.

What made us laugh more than anything following the presentation was when the in game Bond whipped out a high tech camera gadget in a game which was supposed to be set in 1979. A reporter in the room with us asked the Eurocom developer, 'Whats with the cellphone?' At which point the instantly annoyed presenter interrupted with, 'Its all modern era technology for this game.' Now think about this, the title is called 'Legends,' but its set in a 'modern' era in which people still wear corny retro scifi jumpsuits? What type of bizarre line were they trying to walk here? For the sheer outdated, stale nature of the gameplay and their bizarre decisions regarding this game, we are proud to bestow this title with a new blast to the past award category for this year's E3, our 'Back To The Future' award. Congratulations for being stuck in the past guys!

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