Jun 11, 2012

E3 2012 Best Booth: Sony

A shot overlooking a small section of the Sony area, which dwarfed Nintendo and Microsoft this year.
There's no denying the level of disappointment garnered from this years press conferences, but a majority of that disappointment dissipated after entering the show floor. I was constantly amazed by the level of quality most games held, and I often found myself loving games that I had previously hated. Still, I found myself often returning to one booth in particular, continuously finding a new title to fall in love with.

Many have argued that Sony has completely neglected to showcase more Vita titles, but during my time spent in the booth I was pleasantly surprised to find a large portion used to showcase just what we're in store for, and it's damn impressive. I'm finally able to say that I'm happy with my Vita purchase after Sony's fantastic display. It became very apparent why Sony was at E3 this year, games. They absolutely dominated in almost every aspect. From a solid lineup of first-party titles ranging from PlayStation All-Stars, to God of War Ascension I am goddamn excited for the upcoming months. Please come sooner. Sony, with your impressive lineup of PSN, PS Vita, and PS3 games, I can comfortably say that you deserve this award.

Plus, you guys had some pretty awesome lighting effects.

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