May 15, 2011

League of Legends Takes Flattery A Little Too Far

Platinum Games' Bayonetta on the left, Riot's 'Vayne' on the right.
Riot's DOTA style game, League of Legends has been introducing new champions near to monthly since its debut in 2009, but something about the recent champion, known as 'Vayne' caught me a little off guard. Now, I understand that impression is the sincerest form of flattery, but I also think that can be taken a little too far. Vayne is a carbon copy of Bayonetta, but with a crossbow. If there's any other doubt in your mind as to if this might be a simple case of indirect inspiration, check out her gameplay video to seal the deal.  I wonder how Platinum games feels about this character.

Dodge rolls, over the top animation typical in Devil May Cry games and Bayonetta, what were they thinking greenlighting this design? Do you guys think Riot took their design borrowing a little too far?


  1. i dont see it. What, they both a female and have glasses?

  2. That really looks like Bayonetta, wow. Couldn't be more obvious.

  3. I call bs on Riot for this...They shouldn't be borrowing so heavily.

  4. Shes not a witch, she doesn't have magic powers, she doesn't fight angels. If anything she's a female Van Helsing.

    This is a stupid opinion you have made into news.
