Apr 23, 2011

Steampunk Ironman Is One Of A Kind

Indie sculptor and kitbasher Jonathan Kriscak just put this awesome, one of a kind steampunk Ironman on eBay.  The piece represents an exploration of what a Victorian era Tony Stark would have come up with, and this beast would be hand forged of materials from the era.  Copper, steel, and brass.

Instead of an arc reactor, this Iron Man features a chest full of light up combustion engine to power the mechanical monstrosity. As of when this was posted, the figure is currently up to a $350 bid..So if you're a fan of Ironman and have some cash to spare, go for it.  Kickass.  A ton of images and closeups of the figure after the jump!


  1. I wish I had that type of money laying around. :( This is so awesoem.

  2. That is one of the coolest kitbases I've ever seen. Holy shit.
