Apr 30, 2011

Domino's Shows Us The Dark Underbelly Of Advertising

What...the...f***. Is this what we've come down to as a race? 150 people to get a few seconds of somebody pulling a slice of pizza with cheese strands? I can't even fathom how much Domino's probably spent on creating such a shot, let alone what ridiculous lengths these guys go to in order to get so little. Now don't get me wrong, Its fascinating to see the behind the scenes, but the reality of it is just way overthought and overcomplicated. A cheese sorter? A pizza screwer? A cheese puller? At the end of this behind the scenes that one Domino's chef then proceeds to claim that they do no such thing, and just show it 'as is.' I don't buy it. Why? Check out this older video that they posted featuring that same guy, featuring an obviously dolled up pizza using the same techniques featured in this video.  Go figure.

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