Mar 23, 2011

Planet Of The Apes Reboot "Rises" To Earlier Release Date

Fox is moving Rise of the Apes, a reimagined "origin story" for its fabled Planet of the Apes series, from its previously scheduled November release date. It now has a summer release of August 5th of this year.

I'm interested to see how they handle this remake/reboot. I hope they handle it better than the Tim Burton "Planet of the Apes" remake. It was heartless and the first nail in the coffin Tim Burton's career took (but that's a whole different article in itself).


  1. I'll watch it none the less... Should be pretty good

  2. I'm sure it will be good, but I'm still annoyed that they are going with a genetically altered Ape storyline, and not the kickass self for-filling prophecy of the apes in the original.

    Still, I've heard good things and the fact that nothing has really leaked? It's a good sign. Also, it's not like it could be any worse than the Tim Burton version.
