Jan 21, 2015

Mondo's Limited-Edition Iron-Giant Figure Hits Us Right in The Feels

Mondo, known for creating exquisitely bad-ass novelty movie posters crafted by some of the world's greatest commercial artists, is now edging into the collectible figure business with their 16" tall Iron Giant figure.

Priced at $300, it comes complete with over 30 points of articulation, light up and sound effect feature, Hogarth mini-figure accessory, and detachable hand-cannon, red-eyed head variant and magnetic "Superman" chest plate; with an additional walking-hand attachment for the additional price of $15. Pre-orders go on sale tomorrow(!), so snatch one up while you still have the cash and time.

Brad Bird's 1999 directorial debut The Iron Giant the film not only asserted himself as the director who would go on to direct subsequent classics such as The Incredibles and Ratatouille, but it also introduced us to Vin Disiel's proto-Groot role as the movie's titular iron-plated Goliath with a heart of gold. We may not have that long-awaited Blu-ray release yet, but at least we have this gorgeous figure to tide us over with.

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