Jun 4, 2014

Edmond Was A Donkey (NSFW)

Finally released online following a very successful two year international festival stint, Franck Dion's animated tale about an individual who never quite fit in is finally online for us to check out. Despite the fact that he did nothing wrong other than being born different, these differences ultimately attract a negative reaction from those around him who opt to tease him incessantly. Be it out of jealousy, spite or a combination of both we're made to witness a dark transformation in Edmond after some people go too far. Edmond Was A Donkey offers some great lessons into the long lasting damage that bullying and abuse can have on any individual, delivered in a truly unique, highly stylized CG tale.

Edmond is not like everybody else. A small, quiet man, Edmond has a wife who loves him and a job that he does extraordinarily well. He is, however, very aware that he is different. When his co-workers tease him by crowning him with a pair of donkey ears, he suddenly discovers his true nature. And though he comes to enjoy his new identity, an ever-widening chasm opens up between himself and others.

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