Jan 30, 2014

The Art Of Lionel Yamasaki

Lionel Yamasaki (ライオネル山崎) is a relatively new artist that I stumbled into during our hunt for fresh talent to feature, and I liked his work so much that despite seemingly only having 3 images online, I tracked down his Twitter to dig up some more work he hadn't shared elsewhere.

What I appreciate about Yamasaki's work is that he reminds me of an early Masashi Kishimoto (Creator of Naruto), who had a similar penchant for mixing diverse thematic elements into something altogether new when he was still in the early stages of working on the manga. Those similar vibes are differentiated by throwing a layer of pieced together scifi on top of his pieces, resulting in some truly fun pieces like the 'feudal-punk' bunny rider above. Keep an eye out for this artist and check out more of his unique illustration work after the break!

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