Jul 23, 2013

The Colorful Art Of Mono

Mono, who also goes under the monicker of Moss Elephant Turtle (亀のこけぞう) is a talented 19 year old illustrator from Sapporo, the capital prefecture of Hokkaido with some awesomely colorful illustrations, mixing his interest in Japanese street culture, anime and surrealism into a fine paste of striking, nearly glitched out imagery. The influences here are undeniable, with the famously unconventional art of Hirohiko Akari (Jojo's Bizzare) being a lightning rod of influence for many young artists in Japan these days, with his unconventional color schemes (Inspired by Paul Gauguin), high fashion inspired designs and exaggerated poses.

Unlike Akari's high fashion approach though, Mono offers a more street fashion centered approach based off of the many fashion cliques that exist throughout Japan, ranging from Western obsessed Ganguro girls to baseball fan fashion trends. The result is both colorful visually as it is thematically, and my eyes can't seem to get enough. Can't wait to see where Mono will be skill wise in just a few short years, considering his progress already. More of his work after the break.

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