Apr 28, 2013

The Bureau : XCOM Declassified

Last we heard of this retro themed XCOM title was at E3 2011, where we attended a presentation behind closed doors that showed off a very polished, and rather exciting new chapter in the franchise (Check out our 2011 coverage). The game disappeared from public view shortly after, following a public outcry claiming that it wasn't canon with the franchise due to it's retro setting and departure from the turn based gameplay. As an avid XCOM fan, I was disappointed to see such a backlash at an attempt to evolve the franchise, mixing live action and turn based gameplay, as well as the fresh art direction and setting.

I was hoping to get an even more refined look at the game at E3 2012, but 2K opted to show us Firaxis' XCOM: Enemy Unknown, which offered a fun romp into familiar territory as a remake of the 1994 title that made the franchise famous. Fast forward to today, and a new teaser has surfaced to show that this particular iteration of XCOM is still alive and well, minus any form of gameplay, yet. However, the return of the monolithic, nearly abstract alien entities that made the original presentation so impressive, as well as a new piece of concept art showcasing the 'techno-organic' corruption used to terraform the earth and destroy organisms gives me hope that this title will see the light of day. Following a 7 year development hell spanning 3 companies, it's about time that this title got a release.

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