Feb 21, 2012

Akira Teaser By Fabien Dubois

Despite WB having put yet another hold on the Akira movie to trim the budget even further, down from the already cut $90,000,000 budget approved in October 2011, it sure hasn't stopped some fans from concepting what a movie like this might look like. This teaser by Fabien Dubois has all the elements I'd expect from a westernized adaptation of Otomo's classic post apocalyptic tale. Take it as you will, but I've chosen not get my hopes up for what this movie is going to turn out like.

On that note, I'd definitely recommend checking out Chronicle if you haven't had a chance to. I think just about everyone here agreed that its the closest thing to Akira on Western shores, including an unlikely villian so reminiscent of Tetsuo that it kind of blew our minds. It was a surprisingly good movie despite being released during the typically awful movie months of Jan-March.

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