Jan 14, 2012

Look Back At: The Amazing Screw-On Head

Mike Mignola, the comic book artist most known for his work on the fantastic Hellboy series (Minus that second movie) at one point approached SciFi channel with a pilot for a series based off his one shot from 2002, "The Amazing Screw-On Head." The whole concept of the comic revolved around a character with the ability to use different bodies depending on the occasion thanks to his modular, plug in head. Under the service of no other than Abraham Lincoln himself, he would go around solving supernatural cases and protecting America from occult forces. What a shame, because the pilot looked pretty damn good, with the exception of some voice over work.

The decision to not turn it into a series in 2006 was just the beginning of the terrible decisions that the channel now known as 'Syfy' (Couldn't get more dumbed down, huh?) would make over the next few years, turning it into a channel best known for its laughably bad B-Movies.

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