Aug 22, 2011

Golden Age: Somewhwere

GOLDEN AGE - SOMEWHERE from Paul Nicholls on Vimeo.

If you've ever played games featuring player created content, like Second Life...This video will definitely hit home. Paul Nicholls' idea for this series was to explore the concept of downloadable architecture in the future, when we'll have the technology to fully immerse ourselves in different settings from the comfort of our own home, as well as accessorizing our homes with purchasable virtual items. I don't think its that far out of a notion...Look at what the Playstation Network pushed with their whole 'Home' platform..A virtual home which you could decorate with premium, real world brand items that cost money. Its an interesting take on the future of augmented reality, and the execution of his vision of what lies ahead in that field is pretty damn amazing.

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