Jun 4, 2011

This Machine Juggles Better Than You Ever Will

Its kind of mesmerizing, not exactly graceful and a little terrifying. This servo driven juggling system can handle up to five balls seamlessly at this point. Its just hard to imagine how many systems must be working at once to allow for the arms to track, calculate and move to the correct spot to catch each ball in a split second. Pretty amazing.


  1. Does this actually track the balls? You could build a machine like this with no sensing and tracking whatsoever, just impeccable timing in a controlled environment. You'd know where the balls would be based on how they were thrown. "Simple" Newtonian physics.

    Impressive however it works.

  2. From the limited information released with the video, it does seem like the system actually tracks the ball placement, seeing that new ones were being introduced over time to create a complex 4-5 ball juggle.
