Jun 1, 2011

Sheep, Sheep, Sheep, Shee-it...

A while back news broke that cyriak, a favorite of us at Awesome Robo, was working on Adult Swim bumps. With my lack of cable, I've never been able to look for his bumps. So, I've been stuck with the internet hoping that one day cyriak would return, allowing me to break my trend of watching cows & cows & cows (as I type this, I've begun to realize how weird of a word cow is, dammit) on a daily basis. Finally, cyriak as returned with more animal animations, this time with an extremely adorable sheep. 

Dammit now sheep is starting to look weird too.

1 comment:

  1. the cows cows cows video had more time put into it but this one is freaky too :)
