Apr 12, 2011

Portraits By Lu Cong

Lu Cong is a contemporary painter based out of Denver who has made quite an impression on people with his unique approach to portraiture.  There's something quite beautiful, but at the same time unsettling about his work.  He put it best on his website profile:

"(Lu Cong) doesn't only capture the physical and emotional state of the subject, rather they beckon to establish the complicated psychological interactions that ensue when comes face to face with the sensual, the inexplicable, and the unsettling."

Its open to interpretation somewhat, but he definitely does capture way more than a simple emotion in his work.  I think thats what seems to be unsettling about it...His subjects in most of his pieces are staring directly at the viewer, engaged and frozen in time.  I find it true that eyes are considered the mirrors of the soul, and I feel that Lu Cong figured out how to capture something more than just a representation of the exterior in his work.  Its unsettling, uncomfortable, but fascinating too.  A few more samples of his work after the jump.

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