Feb 8, 2011

'Superman Classic' by Rob Pratt

I'm a product of the internet. I've seen all the fan-films, and whilst most of them won't have the budget this piece does, this piece is amazing and has blown me away. It has charm, it's fun, and the animation is unique.
Behold, the best fan film of all time: Rob Pratt's Superman Classic.

Pratt is an animator and storyboard artist for Disney. He has worked on films and shows like Pocahontas and Kim Possible. In an interview with Comic Alliance, he said he was inspired by the music of the live-action Superman serial of the '40s, but with the Veronica Lake-esque design for Lois and the giant robots.

It reminds me of the Fleischer Superman cartoons from the 1940's (which I, like every self respecting nerd own and watch all the time), but with a very modern twist. I, for one, would love to see an entire series based around this animation style.

 Superman deserves an animation that heralds back to his origin, and maybe one day he will. But until then, I'll think I'll be watching this on a loop. If he can grab me with 60 seconds, imagine what he could do if they handed him a show.

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