Apr 5, 2014

The Stylized Art Of Gatan - Straight From The Korean MMO Scene

Gatan is the moniker for Kwanhee Park, a female artist currently based out of South Korea, where she works as a fulltime concept artist at MMO juggernaut NCSoft. Having started working on the sidescrolling RPG beat 'em up Dungeon Fighter, she is now on the Blade And Soul team. That particular title is interesting for the fact that it's solely based off the manwha (Korean term for comics) art style of Hyung Tae Kim, who has grown to be quite influential in the global art scene.

Especially in the piece above, a concept for a Blademaster class, you can see the stylistic notes that are being emulated from Hyung's work: Elongated legs and limbs, very smooth rendering, a taste for fashion design and a balanced mix of ornate and simple shapes. That's the double edged sword of working on a game with such a distinct style, you pretty much have to be a chameleon in regards to adapting your visual style for production. Kwanhee has a nice mix of pieces, which you can check out after the break! Enjoy.

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