Sep 24, 2013

The Awesome Movie Art Of Rich Kelly

I have to say that when we're doing these 'art of' posts on a daily basis, we typically try to represent the artists best pieces (By our own judgement) to always show them off in their best light. Every once in a rare while we run into artists that we simply can't find a piece we're dissatisfied with, and that is the case with Rich Kelly, who via his incredibly experimental, unorthodox style managed to captivate our attention with every single piece he's created to date.

Using a heavily analog foundation to execute most of his pieces, Mr. Kelly experiments heavily with pushing the art of movie poster compositions to their limit, employing a variety of interesting techniques to make each one distinctly interesting in it's own way. There's a ton of narrative to his posters, especially his incredible Beasts of the Southern Wild poster (After the break), which is an incredible accomplishment in terms of selling the concept of the movie. I just love how his playfulness comes out in every piece, showing off his comfort with his skill level. From Adventure Time to Django, Rich has been a rising star in the Mondo custom poster scene, which has shed a light on his many talents. Check out more of his amazing illustrations after the break.

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