Jun 17, 2013

Capcom and 3A Toys Team Up To Bring Us Lost Planet

While I do feel that the gaming community never quite warmed up to Capcom's lukewarm Lost Planet franchise, you can't deny that the game had some really cool scifi designs, like the VS (Vital Suit) mechs and the kitted out mercenaries. As much as I wanted to love the game though, the forgettable story and uninspired gameplay remained an issue in both the first and second installments of the game. Is it too much to ask for to get a scifi version of Monster Hunter? With Lost Planet 3 on the horizon, third times the charm, some say.

Following a few months of teasing, 3A Toys has finally announced the arrival of the 1:6 scale, beautifully detailed Lost Planet mercenary, which will go on sale at the Bambaland Store June 21 for $160. As an owner of one or two of 3A Toys' wallet destroying works of arts, these toys are totally worth every penny for their attention to detail, articulation and quality of materials. Some proto shots from toy fairs abroad also point to a new upcoming Lost Planet toy that will include one of the VS mechs and a 1:12 scale pilot. Check out some more detail shots of the Mercenary after the break!

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