Jul 15, 2012

Sigg Jones And Supinfocom

Supinfocom is a French computer graphics university that has produced in a short span of years a hefty amount of talented animators and 3d visual artists. This is partly because of the course catalog and thesis format,  which typically consists of a 3 to 5 year period in which the students go straight into production from day one for a 3d animated short that becomes their equivalent of a final thesis. How cool is that?

Benoit Berthe's Je M'appelle Nathan (the video right before this post) is part of that program, as well as Sigg Jones, another Supinfocom short that oozed style and pure edge. Though not as new as Berthe's video, Sigg Jones was fleshed out form the collaboration between Douglass Lassance, Jonathan Vuillemin and our old favorite Matthieu Bessudo, yes, the same McBess we all like so much.  On a side note, I really enjoyed the whole branding thing, kind of suprised this didn't make it as an official Nike, Adidas or Puma advertising. Wasted opportunity on their part much?

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