May 16, 2012

Torchlight 2 Beta Key Giveaway!

Well I'm guessing that a good chunk of you probably went out yesterday at midnight to pick up a copy of Diablo 3, and probably are already halfway through the campaign at this point (Myself included). Well how about the chance of getting a double dose of action RPG goodness? In collaboration with the Seattle based Runic games, we're proud to offer you the chance to get your hands on one of 20 keys to check out the awesome world of Torchlight 2! A world that in our opinion, improves on the original in every way imaginable.

Now I've seen a lot of pot shots being taken between the Diablo 3 and Torchlight camps, but after playing both I honestly can say that there really is no reason for such bickering. The games do things differently enough to stand on their own, rather than in direct competition with each other. Lets just say art styles, for one example.

The original crew. Alchemist, Destroyer, Vanquisher.
In terms of history, I can easily say that both games share a common thread, the fact that they were both born out of Blizzard pedigree. Specifically, the Schaefer brothers. Max and Erich Schaefer are the people we have to thank for Blizzard North, the studio that brought us the first two Diablo installments to begin with. Following the closure of the studio and their failed attempt at heading up Flagship and a new IP (Hellgate: London), they chose to partner with Travis Baldree and a small group of devs in Seattle who had worked on a popular low budget ARPG known as Fate. Through that fateful partnership Runic games was born, and Torchlight became a smash hit in 2009/2010, selling over 1 million copies with its very affordable and hardware friendly approach.

However, fans clamored for some key features for the original..Most notably the absence of multiplayer. Well let me tell you that Runic definitely stepped it up big time with this installment, with classic 4 player coop, and even a LAN mode! In order to get in on the multiplayer goodness, all you need to do is tell us which of the four classes below you'd most probably play and why you think Torchlight 2 is awesome. Don't forget to also include an email address so we can notify you!

Berserker: A strength based brawler who draws on animal spirits to give him power.
Embermage (Aka Princess Jasmine): Harnesses the power of ember to nuke all foes.
Engineer: A hybrid class who provides both tanking and utility support via his gadgets.
Outlander: An agile, ranged specialist with deadly precision.
So in order to be entered, just leave a comment below answering the two questions and make sure to include an email address to be contacted at. Winners will be announced Monday Friday! 

(Update: See our new post, the winners have already been contacted. Thanks for participating!)

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