Jun 7, 2011

She Texted, They Kicked Her Out

I would have to say my biggest all-time pet peeve are talkers/texters in a movie theater.  I can't think of anything else that can quickly send me from Happy Go-Lucky-Land to Mad-as-F**k Mountain.  You have to have a certain sense of self-entitlement to disregard not only the rules of the theater (which are shown on screen before every movie), but the movie enjoyment of your fellow film goers.

At the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas, some little self important b***h female movie patron decided that she just couldn't wait to send what must've been a pretty important text.  Because she went against their highly publicized rule against cell phone usage of any kind, she was understandably told to leave.  This video, produced by the Drafthouse, includes audio of the actual angry voicemail she left the theater after her departure.

It's just.  So.  Beautiful.  *tear*


  1. Nice! I'd like to see a movie there knowing I won't be interrupted :D

  2. That is bull. I mean people shouldn't text in the movie, but kicking them out? That's a little extreme. They paid to see the movie and texting in a theater isn't really a good enough reason to kick them out.

  3. Of course it was someone from Texas.

  4. @Anonymous 4:38pm - If you've been given fair warning that texting is not allowed (and the theater is free to have their rules), and you choose to break those rules, then they have every right to kick you out.
