As comic editor for this site, I have been asked this question from a large number of people:
"How pissed are you about the DC reboot?"
Truth? I don't care. I'm not happy, I'm not sad. I'm a tad excited to see how writers handle this, but I understand why DC is doing it. Meanwhile the internet is freaking out, which I'm finding extremely funny. So many similar comments, and I thought I would give my take on the whole thing. Don't agree? Do you agree? Post your comments! I really want to hear what people have to say. My take after the jump.
The average age of comic book readers is the highest it has ever been, and that's not a coincidence. If comics are to survive younger readers need to get hooked. That's the point of DC's September initiative; it's not to alienate longtime readers, as some fans seem to think. It's a brilliant marketing move, and one that will make or break the future of the comic industry.
Are you opposed to the move? Give it a chance. All we've seen are a few covers and a few synopsis. Heck, it's been confirmed that Green Lantern has a large amount of his current history, including the Blackest Night and his possestions by Parallax and the emotion light spectrum. What's to say that Batman will still have been defeated by Bane or Superman killed by Doomsday in this new continuity?
-DC Owes me an Apology!
Erm, no. -But I've been reading comics all my life!
So have I. So have a lot of people. It doesn't make your opinion any less valid or redundant.-Digital Sales? No-One will buy digital comics!
Really? Considering Digital overtook Amazon Graphic Novel sales....With this new DC Digital move, I'm planning on going digital. It makes sense and although I'm feeling like it's a move I don't normally make (not trusting digital yet), it makes life so much easier. Searching for back issues will be easier and more convenient. I'm certainly making the move to digital come September, and I'm a collector.
-It's never happened before! Why now?
Erm....Let's not forget the change of Silver Age characters and the reaction. When Alan Scott gave way for Hal Jordan. When Barry Allen became the Flash. And all the changes after that. Countdown to Infinte Earth, 52, the entire Hal Jordan reboot....
The thing that people have to understand is that comics, for the big studios are potential huge money makers for the Hollywood studio system. Comic book movies will make them money, and as we get to the point of being able to recreate Oa and Asgard on screen? Comics have more trouble finding a voice.
Lets remember, comics were originally intended for kids and became huge money makers. The core flag titles will always sell to a certain extent, but it feels like we've had the time we now have to bring the kids and lapsed readers back in to the market. It's the dawning of a new age, like the transition between the gold to the silver to the bronze age, and we are all lucky enough to witness this. Though there is more riding on this than just the universe.
I thought I would conclude with this:
I read one quote that really made me nod in agreement.
"I'm going to wait and see before I throw my toys out of the pram."
I guarantee you that anyone who boycotts will be buying the comics. They will buy and DC comics will go through a new boom. But the future of comics relies on this. I'm apprehensive but looking forward to reading new stories based around the characters and events we knew. I love the current universe but lets face it, how are new readers meant to get interested when we have so much history and so many Crises to even understand certain events within the Universe?
I'm not asking you to like the decision. Just to approach it in a more mature manner. Read before you decide to attack. Give it a chance. Just don't let the industry die.
Excelsior to you all.
I'm sure it will go well. I like what I'm hearing about Batman and Justice League. Not sure why they did away with Superman's outside underwear.