Feb 23, 2011

Mirai Mizue

Earlier this morning, we posted a short film featuring hand-drawn animation by Headless Studio; I'd like to introduce another hand-drawn animator: Mirai Mizue. Recently, this Japanese artist has completed an animation-a-day project called Timbre A-Z, each video is a 30-second vignette showcasing Mizue's distinct abstract style and sensibilities.

Mizue's explosive minimalist animations create psychedelic, complex patterns with overlapping cell-like creatures. With very simple forms and sounds he creates an overwhelming euphony (sometimes cacophony) of stimuli. I adore Mizue's clever use of color, movement and space to keep his animations engaging despite a limited visual and sound palate to work from.

Check out the video above, and more after the break.

Check out Calf, an independent film label where you can find a DVD of Mizue's work, as well as other independent Japanese filmmakers.

(via CDMo)

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