Feb 16, 2011

Holton Rower

Holton Rower is an abstract conceptual artist out of New York who infuses imagination into banal everyday objects to create form and beauty. His art is simple and yet layered with thought, care and creativity; often utilizing readymades in concert with one another to create and comment upon interwoven relationships. While I gush vociferously over his work, I can't help but daydream about his artistic process, which is meticulously executed and on display in Dave Kaufman's video, after the jump:

There is something hypnotic about watching cup after cup of paint expand and flow into one another. The art and process itself appears simple, but produces complex geometries and patterns guided by physics and gravity -- a beautiful fusion between nature and art. It is a controlled and sterile evolution of Pollack's process with emotionality substituted with precision.

Rower, as far as I can tell, is a new face within the art world, so information in regards to him is scarce. Looking through Rower's other work evokes strong surrealist vibes, and the works that forego subtlety are often brash and lurid. His work is a curiosity, as I'm sure the artist is himself, and I'm on the look out for any interviews with the artist that could confirm such suspicions. Contemporary artists tend to come equipped with bizarre personalities (e.g. Gregor Schneider, Maurizio Cattelan), and those not only serve as a means for understanding their work, their eccentricities often prove to be fascinating.

(via giantmecha)

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