Jun 21, 2014

"Super Science Friends" - Making Of An Intro Animatic

If you've ever wanted to watch a show be developed from the ground up, you're in luck! We just stumbled into the development log of Super Science Friends, a show being developed in Toronto at Tinman Creative Studios. It seems like the show is relatively early in development yet, with this first sneak peek offering us a look into some of the potential opening sequences for this campy looking, Adult Swim-esque show. If you're interested in following the progress, give their Facebook page a like and you'll be there at ground floor as they work towards a pilot. Starring Winston Churchill, Nicola Tesla, Darwin, Freud, Tapputti and a young boy (Of course), that's one hell of a cast.

A team of super scientists travel through time fighting Nazis. They are the Super Science Friends! These are initial concept animatics for the show's intro.

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