Oct 30, 2013

"Phonebloks" Modular Phone System Partners With Google To Become A Reality

Following the meteoric success of Dave Hakken's Phoneblok pitch video, which offered a revolutionary phone that could be customizable to the users needs via a modular 'feature block' system. Originally launched on Youtube on September 10, the video went viral and got the attention of the right people as Hakken intended.

Yesterday evening Google subsidiary Motorola announced that they'd be partnering with the Dutch designer to bring the concept to life, and potentially shake up the mobile industry with a concept intended to reduce the waste that traditional mobile phones generate. The company had originally been working on a similar idea over the past year, but found that Hakken's vision could further cement Motorola's initiative. The plan is to roll out an open source module development environment with dev kits in the next few months prior to the launch of the final product, dubbed 'Project Ara.' Stay tuned for more updates.

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